Sunday, July 14, 2013

Free Tax Filing AY: 2017-18

Tax Filing in simple steps

Who can use these steps - People working for some private firm and have their Form 16 issued by the Employer.

All you need before starting is your Form 16

Lets Start now

1. Login to Income Tax India website and login with your credentials

2. Click on 'e-File' and select 'Prepare and Submit Online ITR'.

3. Select

  • Assessment Year : 2017-18
  • ITR Form Name : ITR-1
  • Address you need in your ITR-V form can be selected under 'Prefill Address with' (best option is select : From PAN Database)

4. Read the Instructions (If interested only)
5. Clickbutton
6. Values to be entered in 'PART A GENERAL INFORMATION' tab
  • First Name, Middle Name, Mobile No, Aadhaar number or Aadhaar Enrolment Id
  • Email Address : (personal id is always better, company id not preferable)
  • Employer Category : Others (If working for some software firm)
  • Residential Status : RES - Resident (for Indian Resident)
  • Return filed under section : 11 -  On or Before Due Dt 139(1) (If you are filling before 31 July 2017) (else you need to check Form Instructions)
  • Whether Person governed by Portuguese Civil Code under section 5A : (Most of the time No)(If its applicable to you then select Yes)
7. Clickbutton
8. Values to be entered in 'Income Details' tab
  • Income from Salary/Pension : (enter the Income chargeable under the head salaries) (NOT Gross Salary) (Refer your Form 16, Part B for the row with 'Income chargeable under the head salaries')
  • In case of multiple Form16 add up values from column 'Income chargeable under the head salaries' from each Form 16 and enter in column 'Income from Salary/Pension'.
  • Enter House Property details
  • If you have any other income from Savings Account, FDs..., then income from those have to be mentioned here.
  • B4: (Refer your Form 16, Part B and fill the values whichever is applicable)
9. Clickbutton
10. Values to be entered in 'Tax Details' tab
  • Under section 'Sch TDS1 - Details of Tax Deducted at Source from SALARY [As per FORM 16 issued by Employer(s)]' (In case of multiple Form 16 enter multiple rows of data)
  1. Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN)[Col (1)]: (Refer Part A of Form 16, TAN of the Deductor) (be careful don't enter PAN of the Deductor) (usually this will be auto filled) 
  2. Name of the Employer : (Refer Part A of Form 16) (usually this will be auto filled) 
  3. Income Under Salary : (Refer your Form 16, Part A for Total of column 'Amount paid/credited') (usually this will be auto filled) (Refer Form 16 Part A section: 'Summary of amount paid/credited and tax deducted at source thereon in respect of the employee')
  4. Tax Deducted :  (Refer your Form 16, Part A for Total of column '
  5. Amount of tax deducted
  6. ') (usually this will be auto filled) (Refer Form 16 Part A section: 'Summary of amount paid/credited and tax deducted at source thereon in respect of the employee')

  • Under section 'Sch TDS2 - Details of Tax Deducted at Source from Income OTHER THAN Salary [As per Form 16 A issued by Deductor(s)]': Enter details of income from other sources (can include tax deducted by bank)
  1. If you have any auto populated entry on Tax deducted on Savings Account Interest then the same have to declared under 'Income from Other Sources.' (Step 8 of this blog)
  2. Now how to know how much to enter? To know the Income from different sources click on 'View Form 26AS (Tax Credit)' under 'My Account' and you will be navigated to different site where you will get details of all your Income. or login to
  3. Once you have entered income under 'Income from Other Sources.' enter same amount in C17. 80TTA (Which says maximum deduction of 10,000 is allowed on interest on deposits in a savings account with Bank, Co-operative society engaged in carrying on business on banking, Post Office) 
12. Clickbutton
13. Values to be entered in 'Taxes Paid and Verification' tab
  • Verify D11, D12 and D13 for Total Taxes Paid, Amount payable and Refund if any.
  • Enter bank account details
  • Fill Verification details.
14. Clickbutton
15. Values to be entered in '80G' tab
Enter details if any.

16. Click on 'Preview & Submit' button

17. Verify all details and especially 'Taxes Paid' table
Check 'Amount payable' is 0 because your employer have already deducted all your taxes and paid to government. (If you have income from other sources then this field changes accordingly)

18. Click on Submit

19. You can e-Verify your return in different ways

Select one of the above methods to e-Verify your return.

20. Once done u get a message 'Return successfully e-Verified.' and you are DONE with filing your return for current year.

Thanks for Reading :)


  1. Good Work..............................

  2. its really nice dude arun.......
    keep it up.

  3. Thank you Arun, its well explained.

  4. Thank You Arun. It was very helpful. :)

  5. Thanks Arun..It's very helpful to me.

  6. Hi Arun, its real good one. Thanks a ton. I could file, by follwing your blog

  7. Thanks Arun.
    Just filled my returns.


  8. Thanks Arun... Will fill my returns now... U helped me Bro!!


  9. Hi Arun, Thanks for the comprehensive steps! Helped me alot. One question though, how long after you submit the form will you receive the mail? It has been 3 days already since I have submitted and it says "Return uploaded/Pending E-verification".

  10. I am glad to find amazing information in your blog. Thanks for sharing the information. IT Return Filing

  11. Thanks for posting your article...It will be very helpful for All. Income Tax Form 16
